So, it's been a you wondered if I succumbed to botulism and died after all. But no, I just gave in to that other dreaded disease called BUSY that threatens all of us from time to time. I primarily fact, relished in, my recent busy-ness. Family and friends visiting, getting out and about and going on adventures in town and out. I all but stopped experimenting in the kitchen, even putting my kefir grains into dormant phase in the refrigerator.
So, I guess I failed in the official dark days challenge, but it's a failure I'm willing to accept. I had a lot of fun eating in restaurants these last two weeks, some of which were super-local focused, and I went to a pickle-themed party in Boston to which I took some apple kimchi which received mixed reviews.
Without further adieu, this week's dark days meal: Kimchi Sirloin Steak!
This month, two of my pounds of meat from the meat CSA turned out to be sirloin steak. I'm pretty sure I've never cooked a steak in my life before this month, so I looked it up. Alton Brown's food network recipe really took the cake (err, Steak), so I went with that for my first steak last week. I think my roommate was a little dismayed at the hunk of raw meat placed directly on the oven rack, so this week I refined my tactics.
Last week's steak was so-so. Tough and a bit hard to chew, and needing a little more flavor. This week I had major kimchi cravings and finished off another jar, leaving a about three cups of fuschia kimchi juice. What to do with the probiotic goodness? Marinate meat!
I soaked the second raw steak in this juice in the refrigerator for 24 hours, then followed Alton Brown's advice, this time with a broiler pan. Success! More tender, more juicy, more flavorful. Served with, what else...Kimchi! Iron-rich, priobiotic goodness.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Dark Days: Buttflap
My mom came to visit, all the way from Texas. I saved the most prized cut of meat from the meat CSA expressly for her visit: the Buttflap. That's right, the meat CSA came with some delectable steak-like item labeled Sirloin Buttflap. I had no idea what to do with it. Neither did anyone else I talked to.
The internet provided some ideas towards making it into fajita meat, but we didn't have time to marinate it and we weren't making fajitas. My mom cut it into bite-sized chunks, removed most of the fat, and marinated it for about fifteen minutes in apple cider vinegar. Then she sauted it just a little in olive oil.
I chopped a large turnip and peeled and chopped a small butternut squash and put them together in a dutch oven
. Then we poured the semi-cooked meat and all its liquids on top, added more water, salt, turmeric and pepper, covered and simmered until done.
Tough, chewy, gamy? A bit. But flavorful and an excellent combination! I would do it again, with a proper marinade next time.
This was a three-course meal....a surprise salad! A woman in my writers' group has an organic CSA membership that is giving her more greens than she knows what to do with, so I benefitted from the bounty. (No, the olives are not local, but they're organic and they're a gift from my mom!)
And, custard for dessert! Local eggs and milk with a bit of honey and amazake. Normally, I have local honey in stock, but as I was out I used some raw honey from elsewhere. The amazake was a leftover that was going to go bad. I feel, generally, that using leftovers, rather than wasting, is ethically on par with eating local foods even if it may not be nutritionally comparable (dumpster-diving, anyone?).
A lovely end to a lovely three-course meal....oh, and the custard was cooked in my brand-new glass baking-and-storage dishes, courtesy of my mom as well!
The internet provided some ideas towards making it into fajita meat, but we didn't have time to marinate it and we weren't making fajitas. My mom cut it into bite-sized chunks, removed most of the fat, and marinated it for about fifteen minutes in apple cider vinegar. Then she sauted it just a little in olive oil.
I chopped a large turnip and peeled and chopped a small butternut squash and put them together in a dutch oven
Tough, chewy, gamy? A bit. But flavorful and an excellent combination! I would do it again, with a proper marinade next time.
This was a three-course meal....a surprise salad! A woman in my writers' group has an organic CSA membership that is giving her more greens than she knows what to do with, so I benefitted from the bounty. (No, the olives are not local, but they're organic and they're a gift from my mom!)
And, custard for dessert! Local eggs and milk with a bit of honey and amazake. Normally, I have local honey in stock, but as I was out I used some raw honey from elsewhere. The amazake was a leftover that was going to go bad. I feel, generally, that using leftovers, rather than wasting, is ethically on par with eating local foods even if it may not be nutritionally comparable (dumpster-diving, anyone?).
A lovely end to a lovely three-course meal....oh, and the custard was cooked in my brand-new glass baking-and-storage dishes, courtesy of my mom as well!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Local AND Vegan: Can it be done?
My cleanse is completed, but the questions it brought up for me persist. This recent experience caused me to hearken back to my (brief) days of veganism. I find myself torn between the locavore diet and the modern intergalactic superfoods ascension-to-other-realms diet of spirulina, coconut butter, agave, goji berry juice, maca powder, and other such delicacies. I want to be well, and while I love root vegetables, I am tired of them being the basis for every meal. I am also having quite a challenge with integrating so much meat into my diet.
So I ask, can one be a vegan and a locavore? And, more importantly, should one be committed to either? Veganism seems intuitively wrong to me. Being indiscriminate omnivores is what got humans to the top of the food chain, and I have never heard of an indigenous population that subsisted on a vegan diet. In Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life (P.S.)
, Barbara Kingsolver even mentions an interesting historical blooper where vegetarians from India migrated to England and became anemic. It turns out they were consuming bug parts in their minimally processed grains in India, whereas the overprocessed British flour was devoid of such delectable nutrients.
For myself, I feel the most amazing when I eat close to what is now being referred to as the "paleo" or "caveman" diet. Essentially, the paleo diet
consists of meat and veggies and fruits and nuts and seeds: anything that was available for consumption in pre-agricultural times. When I eat a mainly raw-vegan diet with the occasional local organic free range egg and the occasional (like, once or twice a month) big hunk of meat, I feel light, energetic, and satiated.
However, the is always the philosophical, ethical, and ecological question of how and when it is okay to eat meat. I have come to terms with local, organic meat being okay with me, and after having participated in a chicken slaughter and various other events of animals dismemberment, I'm getting closer to having a sense of what I would be willing to eat based on what I would be willing to kill. I am still not at peace with the process, but I also accept it as part of the cycle of life.
I try to imagine living up to my locavore ideals while being a strict vegan. In essence, I would currently be living on root vegetables and kimchi. Yuck.
I would like to hear whether others experience this or similar tensions when deciding where to send their food dollars!
So I ask, can one be a vegan and a locavore? And, more importantly, should one be committed to either? Veganism seems intuitively wrong to me. Being indiscriminate omnivores is what got humans to the top of the food chain, and I have never heard of an indigenous population that subsisted on a vegan diet. In Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life (P.S.)
For myself, I feel the most amazing when I eat close to what is now being referred to as the "paleo" or "caveman" diet. Essentially, the paleo diet
However, the is always the philosophical, ethical, and ecological question of how and when it is okay to eat meat. I have come to terms with local, organic meat being okay with me, and after having participated in a chicken slaughter and various other events of animals dismemberment, I'm getting closer to having a sense of what I would be willing to eat based on what I would be willing to kill. I am still not at peace with the process, but I also accept it as part of the cycle of life.
I try to imagine living up to my locavore ideals while being a strict vegan. In essence, I would currently be living on root vegetables and kimchi. Yuck.
I would like to hear whether others experience this or similar tensions when deciding where to send their food dollars!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dark Days: Juice and Broth, on a Cleanse
In the past, I have done cleanses which involved deep juice-fasting and a month of raw foods. Three times, I have done the Blessed Herbs colon cleanse, with mixed results. While I feel that I benefitted deeply from their Internal Cleanse, I am skeptical of all that fiber. I decided that my colon has been good-and-cleansed in the last few years and what I wanted was a break from digestion and animal products, not from nourishment. I am no longer interested in sand-papering my insides. So, I stocked up on nourishing goodies: probiotics like homemade water-kefir (my grandma sent grains, so I've got it started! pictures soon), local Kombucha, homemade veggie broth from local, organic veggies, local organic multigrain Miso, and totally non-local but high-energy-organic Vitmineral Green
Other tricks I tried included sprouting sunflower seeds and then putting them, along with some water and organic raisins, through the blender with some Vitmineral Green
But, I is the part that was (almost) entirely local!
First, Juice. Carrot-Beet-Cabbage-Ginger juice. All organic, and local except for the ginger. Juiced through the Jack LaLane Power Juicer
Then, Kombucha. This was a great find...a local, organic, kombucha company called Katalyst Kombucha! I imagine that the Schizandra Berry flavor, which I was buying, probably has a non-local Schizandra Berry component, but overall I felt pretty good about this product.
The three days are up now, and I feel amazing and have decided to stop eating on Tuesdays. Tuesday is now "cleanse day", just for the sake of allowing my system to rest and restart and reminding myself of how good I feel when I get this chance to stop and reflect.
Would love to hear other people's cleanse thoughts/stories!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Kitchen Medicine
I woke up naturally in the pre-dawn hours this morning, ready to go for the day. But, afraid of getting tired halfway through the day from starting so early, I elected to stay in bed. Then, ultimately, I started my day late, and sluggish.
The same energy carried over into cooking my first meal of the day around 1pm, which was buckwheat and fermented-oat-groat pancakes. I cooked them in way too much boiling olive oil, and I didn't put a lot of love or attention into the cooking process. A hard lesson in the art of awareness, because upon flipping my first pancake I received a spray of boiling oil right to the face. It seemed like several droplets, but the most noticeable, and ultimately the only one I could locate later, was on my left eyelid (such useful things, eyelids, or else I suspect I would be blind!).
All in all, this was a very lucky adventure: First-off, my reflexes led me to close my eye! Secondly, it was the dead of winter, so the water coming out of the tap was frigid cold and I could splash plenty of it onto my face for a few minutes. I also had some raw cider vinegar on hand, so after the water treatment I put on a (STINGING!) dab of vinegar and waited for that to take effect. Then I dried it (professionally, with my cotton shirtsleeve) and went to the bathroom and dabbed on some raw honey (a holiday gift, thanks mom!) to help with pain and infection prevention. Then I took some Bach's Rescue Remedy
, just because I had it on hand and I thought, why not.
Overall, the pain wasn't much, but I'm missing about a centimeter of the top layer of skin on my eyelid, and I was surprised by how the suffering was so much more based in the fear than actual pain. I wasn't thinking, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," but rather, "Omigod, there's boiling oil on my face, omigod, I can't open my eyes, omigod, I'm alone in the house and the stove is still on behind me and I have no idea how bad this injury is, omigod I'm going to be scarred and ugly for life." Yeah, even the vanity aspect was frightening.
I knew the remedies by heart, but I re-consulted my all-time favorite home remedy book, Lifetime Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies
, which is one of the best gifts I've ever received. All of these remedies are in there, and I definitely recommend it as a kitchen companion. Or, just keep your face out of the way when you're splashing heavy objects down into boiling oil.
The same energy carried over into cooking my first meal of the day around 1pm, which was buckwheat and fermented-oat-groat pancakes. I cooked them in way too much boiling olive oil, and I didn't put a lot of love or attention into the cooking process. A hard lesson in the art of awareness, because upon flipping my first pancake I received a spray of boiling oil right to the face. It seemed like several droplets, but the most noticeable, and ultimately the only one I could locate later, was on my left eyelid (such useful things, eyelids, or else I suspect I would be blind!).
All in all, this was a very lucky adventure: First-off, my reflexes led me to close my eye! Secondly, it was the dead of winter, so the water coming out of the tap was frigid cold and I could splash plenty of it onto my face for a few minutes. I also had some raw cider vinegar on hand, so after the water treatment I put on a (STINGING!) dab of vinegar and waited for that to take effect. Then I dried it (professionally, with my cotton shirtsleeve) and went to the bathroom and dabbed on some raw honey (a holiday gift, thanks mom!) to help with pain and infection prevention. Then I took some Bach's Rescue Remedy
Overall, the pain wasn't much, but I'm missing about a centimeter of the top layer of skin on my eyelid, and I was surprised by how the suffering was so much more based in the fear than actual pain. I wasn't thinking, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," but rather, "Omigod, there's boiling oil on my face, omigod, I can't open my eyes, omigod, I'm alone in the house and the stove is still on behind me and I have no idea how bad this injury is, omigod I'm going to be scarred and ugly for life." Yeah, even the vanity aspect was frightening.
I knew the remedies by heart, but I re-consulted my all-time favorite home remedy book, Lifetime Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Winter Farmers' Market!
I volunteered my time to recruit people to vote at the dot survey, and besides enjoying people's enthusiasm, I got to see the trend of answers to questions like "where do you normally get your local food during the winter?" and "where do you normally get your local food in the summer/fall?" It never occurred to me that these answers would be different, but often they were, including my own. In the summer/fall, I enjoy the social aspect of heading to the farmers' market. In the winter, the CSA is really handy. I'm sure I would save money, and maybe it would be better for the farmers, if I joined a summer/fall CSA and got my extras at the market. What do you do?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Sourdough Starter, Take Two
A picture is worth a thousand words, but a smell is priceless.
I made a new sourdough starter yesterday by combining one cup spelt flour, one cup buckwheat flour, and two cups leftover, warm oatmeal water. Then I set the jar above the woodstove in the hopes that the warmth would help the yeasts become quickly active on these cold winter days. It worked!
Somewhere around 2am, I woke up to go to the bathroom and couldn't help but notice a subtly pervasive smell of vomit everywhere I went. I checked the bottoms of my shoes. I checked a trash can. I watched carefully for cat vomit as I walked back from the bathroom. I worried briefly about my roommates, but it sounded like they were sound asleep, and vomiting illness are rather loud. I went back to sleep.
In the morning, my roommates found the smell too. They looked all over, briefly worried that I had gotten sick in the middle of the night, and then discovered the jar. I wasn't far behind. The sourdough starter had become madly successful, and its success had gone to its head.
Full of bubbles, with a round, cemented crust in the top cheesecloth, it had clearly vomited about a quarter cup of its contents down onto the mantle and the wood stove below. My roommate later found this cracker-like substance behind the stove--->
After much laughter, drama, and debate, I decided I was determined to save it. I reasoned that when I made Katz's Millet Porridge
it smelled exactly like vomit, so this must be a good sign of active yeasts. I added about two and a half tablespoons of buckwheat flour and gave it a vigorous stir. Then I washed the cheesecloth and set up shop in a cooler location. I will stir frequently today, add more flour tonight, and see if it is salvageable. If not, I will compost it because I think it's unreasonable to ask other people to live with my mad science experiments for too terribly long!
I made a new sourdough starter yesterday by combining one cup spelt flour, one cup buckwheat flour, and two cups leftover, warm oatmeal water. Then I set the jar above the woodstove in the hopes that the warmth would help the yeasts become quickly active on these cold winter days. It worked!
Somewhere around 2am, I woke up to go to the bathroom and couldn't help but notice a subtly pervasive smell of vomit everywhere I went. I checked the bottoms of my shoes. I checked a trash can. I watched carefully for cat vomit as I walked back from the bathroom. I worried briefly about my roommates, but it sounded like they were sound asleep, and vomiting illness are rather loud. I went back to sleep.
In the morning, my roommates found the smell too. They looked all over, briefly worried that I had gotten sick in the middle of the night, and then discovered the jar. I wasn't far behind. The sourdough starter had become madly successful, and its success had gone to its head.
Full of bubbles, with a round, cemented crust in the top cheesecloth, it had clearly vomited about a quarter cup of its contents down onto the mantle and the wood stove below. My roommate later found this cracker-like substance behind the stove--->
After much laughter, drama, and debate, I decided I was determined to save it. I reasoned that when I made Katz's Millet Porridge
Dark Days: Mashed Roots Topped with Dried Kale, a Simple Dinner
Last night, I lacked cooking inspiration and was growing a bit tired of the same ingredients. I was also a little pressed for time, so I surrendered to simplicity. Dinner was a large portion of mashed root veggies with dried kale sprikled on top. Technically, it probably should have been a side dish, but if you eat enough of a side dish it counts as dinner, right?
Mashed Roots Topped with Dried Kale
4 small potatoes
1 medium turnip
1 parsnip
1 clove garlic
1 cup water
1 cup milk
dash salt
dash pepper
Chop all veggies, press garlic through a garlic press and add it plus spices and liquids to veggies in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then simmer 'til soft and mashable. Mash, and serve with dried kale chips sprikled on top!
Dired Kale
Tear fresh kale into bite sized pieces, removing stems. Place, well-spaced on dehydrator
trays. Dehydrate on 135degrees for about two hours, or until crunchy. Store in Mason Jar
and use in soups, as toppings, or eat like chips!
Mashed Roots Topped with Dried Kale
4 small potatoes
1 medium turnip
1 parsnip
1 clove garlic
1 cup water
1 cup milk
dash salt
dash pepper
Chop all veggies, press garlic through a garlic press and add it plus spices and liquids to veggies in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then simmer 'til soft and mashable. Mash, and serve with dried kale chips sprikled on top!
Dired Kale
Tear fresh kale into bite sized pieces, removing stems. Place, well-spaced on dehydrator
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Failure as a Strategy to Meet Needs (or, buckwheat flax crackers)
My friend Ian is a Non-Violent Communication trainer. He can be relied upon to accurately assess the feelings and needs present in any situation and to give you straightforward feedback about your life, no matter how grim. When I told him a few weeks ago that I was nervous about failing in my endeavor to establish myself in Western Mass, earn a living as a freelance writer, and continue Feldenkrais training, he recommended that we find a time to explore the perspective of failure as a strategy to meet needs.
Often, I think about his comment while I am cooking. Some recipes turn out better than others, but a few are utter failures. If I'm on the ball, I can occasionally turn a failure into a success.
A recent failure was the result of a seemingly minor error...I had placed my buckwheat sourdough starter on the mantle above the woodstove to keep it warm and toasty. Then I forgot to feed it for a day. When I tended it again, a thick, cracker-like crust had formed across the top of the jar and the rest of the ferment reeked of hard liquor. Yep. Alcohol. Apparently I over-fermented.
I fed it flour and stirred it vigorously for a couple more days in the hopes of revival, but to no avail. Alcohol it remained. I'm not sure why I was even trying to convince myself that I could turn back the clock. Chemistry doesn't work that way.
Soooo, I soaked a couple of cups of golden flax seeds for 24 hours and mixed them in with the fermented buckwheat. I spread all that out across a dehydrator tray
and set the dehydrator
to 115 degrees. I let it dry for 24 hours, flipped the giant cracker, and dried it for another 8-12 hours. It was still soft in the middle, so I finished it off by breaking it into small, manageable crackers and distributing them across the more ventiled racks. Finally, out came raw, omega-rich sourdough crackers!
Alone, they are a bit too sour for comfort. But with soup, or with peanut butter and jelly, they are heavenly.
Often, I think about his comment while I am cooking. Some recipes turn out better than others, but a few are utter failures. If I'm on the ball, I can occasionally turn a failure into a success.
A recent failure was the result of a seemingly minor error...I had placed my buckwheat sourdough starter on the mantle above the woodstove to keep it warm and toasty. Then I forgot to feed it for a day. When I tended it again, a thick, cracker-like crust had formed across the top of the jar and the rest of the ferment reeked of hard liquor. Yep. Alcohol. Apparently I over-fermented.
I fed it flour and stirred it vigorously for a couple more days in the hopes of revival, but to no avail. Alcohol it remained. I'm not sure why I was even trying to convince myself that I could turn back the clock. Chemistry doesn't work that way.
Soooo, I soaked a couple of cups of golden flax seeds for 24 hours and mixed them in with the fermented buckwheat. I spread all that out across a dehydrator tray
Alone, they are a bit too sour for comfort. But with soup, or with peanut butter and jelly, they are heavenly.
Milk, and What to Do With It
Caitlin had a great series of questions about Milk, and What To Do With It. Lucky for Caitlin, I spent last year living on a raw milk dairy farm and about a quarter of my life was dedicated to Milk, and What to Do With It.
First off, I hate frozen milk. I know many people freeze their milk and they swear it's totally fine, but I think it's disgusting. I am of the opinion that it absolutely changes the texture and the flavor. But some might describe me as neurotically sensitive to such things, so use your own judgement.
Here's the other thing about frozen milk: if you're dealing with raw milk to start with, it never actually goes "bad", it just turns into other stuff, like sour milk and potential cheese. It's not like moldy bread, which you should throw out (yes, the whole loaf), or moldy cheese, which you can carve down to a non-moldy piece (don't throw the whole thing out). Raw milk just turns into sour milk, which is eternally useful. Pasteurized milk, on the other hand, gets kinda gross. It's still salvageable as cheese, but it's better not to let it go bad. So, if you think you have too much milk on your hands and you're opposed to freezing it like I am, make something with it ahead of time, like cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, or ice cream.
Buttermilk. It's funny how buying things at the store removes us from knowing what those things actually are. Real buttermilk is actually the liquid leftovers from making butter. In other words, you take cream and beat it until you think your arm is going to fall off (a butter churn
is helpful) and then you get solid fats and liquid leftovers. The liquid leftovers are buttermilk. If you didn't salt your butter, the buttermilk will initially taste sweet, but it's one of those things that you either love or hate to drink. Either way, it goes sour very quickly. You should use it within a day or two. It's excellent for baking in lieu of water or milk in baked goods, or in lieu of water when cooking grains. **Note: If your raw milk is unhomogenized, you can let it sit in the fridge in a wide-mouth container for 24 hours and then skim the cream off the top, use it to make butter, and get buttermilk!
Cheese. or Curds and Whey. The only cheese I know how to make is a sort of poor-man's ricotta/farmer's cheese. It's very simple. You heat the milk until an almost-simmer...just tiny bubbles coming to the top. Then turn off the heat, add a tablespoon or two of vinegar (I prefer apple cider, but it does impart its own flavor) or lemon juice, and stir. Sometimes the result is instantaneous, but other time it takes a while, and you may begin to wonder if anything is going to happen. Right about the time you're ready to give up, the curds will separate from the whey (that's right, this is where we get the expression "curds and whey"). You can then strain off the curds and do any manner of things with them...mix in herbs, press in cheese cloth (that's where paneer comes from). But whatever you do, that's your cheese, no further operations necessary. The leftover, sour, milky liquid is the whey. It can be used as a nutritional drink or in lieu of water when cooking grains.
Yogurt. You can actually make raw-milk raw-yogurt, just don't heat the milk above 110 degrees. Sally Falon
is the best source for going in-depth with this process, and other raw-milk uses. The only thing about raw-milk yogurt is that it doesn't make a good starter the next time around. So, if you want to keep your own starter instead of buying a new one, it might be best to reserve a small bit and pasteurize it for that purpose.
Kefir. See "Fermentation Fervor" post from 12/18/09, and subsequent update.
Ice Cream. I'm waiting until winter's over. But raw milk makes the best ice cream.
**Note: Interstingly, raw cream makes the best whipped cream as well. It has something to do with the way the fats bind without having been damaged by homogenization and pasteurization. It is sooo easy to whip up raw whipped cream, and it stays still a lot longer.
Snow Cream. An old-time classic and the ultimate in local. The milk is fresh and raw, the snow falls directly out of the sky. You just blend milk and sugar and toss in enough snow for a thick consistency. Don't do this if you live in a polluted area.
Hot Chocolate. Okay, for most people chocolate is not local. But it's one of my three non-local vices, along with green superfoods and coffee/tea type beverages. Raw-milk chocolate is the most delicious.
Raw Honey Milk for Bedtime. Heat a cup of raw milk to just above "warm", then stir in a tablespoon of raw, local honey. Drink right before bedtime and sleep like a baby.
Would love to hear other suggestions from readers on what to do with raw milk!!!!
First off, I hate frozen milk. I know many people freeze their milk and they swear it's totally fine, but I think it's disgusting. I am of the opinion that it absolutely changes the texture and the flavor. But some might describe me as neurotically sensitive to such things, so use your own judgement.
Here's the other thing about frozen milk: if you're dealing with raw milk to start with, it never actually goes "bad", it just turns into other stuff, like sour milk and potential cheese. It's not like moldy bread, which you should throw out (yes, the whole loaf), or moldy cheese, which you can carve down to a non-moldy piece (don't throw the whole thing out). Raw milk just turns into sour milk, which is eternally useful. Pasteurized milk, on the other hand, gets kinda gross. It's still salvageable as cheese, but it's better not to let it go bad. So, if you think you have too much milk on your hands and you're opposed to freezing it like I am, make something with it ahead of time, like cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, or ice cream.
Buttermilk. It's funny how buying things at the store removes us from knowing what those things actually are. Real buttermilk is actually the liquid leftovers from making butter. In other words, you take cream and beat it until you think your arm is going to fall off (a butter churn
Cheese. or Curds and Whey. The only cheese I know how to make is a sort of poor-man's ricotta/farmer's cheese. It's very simple. You heat the milk until an almost-simmer...just tiny bubbles coming to the top. Then turn off the heat, add a tablespoon or two of vinegar (I prefer apple cider, but it does impart its own flavor) or lemon juice, and stir. Sometimes the result is instantaneous, but other time it takes a while, and you may begin to wonder if anything is going to happen. Right about the time you're ready to give up, the curds will separate from the whey (that's right, this is where we get the expression "curds and whey"). You can then strain off the curds and do any manner of things with them...mix in herbs, press in cheese cloth (that's where paneer comes from). But whatever you do, that's your cheese, no further operations necessary. The leftover, sour, milky liquid is the whey. It can be used as a nutritional drink or in lieu of water when cooking grains.
Yogurt. You can actually make raw-milk raw-yogurt, just don't heat the milk above 110 degrees. Sally Falon
Kefir. See "Fermentation Fervor" post from 12/18/09, and subsequent update.
Ice Cream. I'm waiting until winter's over. But raw milk makes the best ice cream.
**Note: Interstingly, raw cream makes the best whipped cream as well. It has something to do with the way the fats bind without having been damaged by homogenization and pasteurization. It is sooo easy to whip up raw whipped cream, and it stays still a lot longer.
Snow Cream. An old-time classic and the ultimate in local. The milk is fresh and raw, the snow falls directly out of the sky. You just blend milk and sugar and toss in enough snow for a thick consistency. Don't do this if you live in a polluted area.
Hot Chocolate. Okay, for most people chocolate is not local. But it's one of my three non-local vices, along with green superfoods and coffee/tea type beverages. Raw-milk chocolate is the most delicious.
Raw Honey Milk for Bedtime. Heat a cup of raw milk to just above "warm", then stir in a tablespoon of raw, local honey. Drink right before bedtime and sleep like a baby.
Would love to hear other suggestions from readers on what to do with raw milk!!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Dark Days: Sweet Potato Squash Soup with Roast Chicken
It is becoming abundantly clear that I am almost incapable of following directions. Even with recipes, I insist on doing it my own way. This week, I created two "original" dishes, one vegetarian and one for the carnivores. I am still generally unaccustomed to cooking with meat, but I was pleasantly surprised by the results.
Sweet Potato Squash Soup
The inspiration for this soup originated with Vegan Fusion World Cuisine's
"Sistah Jah Love Roasted Squash Soup." This is one of my favorite cookbooks, but it contains an overabundance of tofu, which I don't eat, and Hawaiian regional cuisine, which I would love to eat if I lived in Hawaii. But I live in New England in the winter, so I've gotta work with what I've got. So, by the time I was done modifying to suit my own needs, I completely ignored the directions and went off half-cocked, refering back to the recipe only when it seemed like an emergency. Here's what I did:
Butternut squash cut in half, scrape out seeds, bake face down in pan full of water on 450 degrees until tender
Celeriac peel and chop into small bits
Sweet potato (2) bake alongside squash
Onion chop into small bits
Curry Powder
Cinnamon stick
Olive Oil
I sauteed the onion and celeriac in olive oil until they began to soften (it's okay if the celeriac doesn't really soften, but at least sautee it until the onions brown). Pour about two cups of fresh milk on top and bring to a simmer. Add curry powder to taste plus one cinnamon stick. Add about two cups of filtered water.
Scoop in flesh of squash and chopped sweet potato, skin on. Bring everything to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about fifteen minutes. Turn off heat.
Meanwhile, rinse squash seeds and lay them on a pan. Sprinkle with salt and place in Toaster Oven for about twenty minutes on a high setting. I tend to overdo it and have them start popping like popcorn, but you can avoid that, I think, by using a lower heat over a longer time.
Use the hand blender
to blend the soup in the pot (remember to remove the cinnamon stick) until creamy. Little chunks of potato skin are okay, but not big ones.
I sprinkled squash seeds on top to serve, but they got softer in a few minutes, so next time I would serve them on the side for optional crunch.
Legs (2) white and dark meat
Olive juice from the bottom of an almost-empty jar of garlic-stuffed olives
Apple cider vinegar
Olive oil
Black pepper
Turnip (1 large)
Red Potaoes (4)
Carrots (5 small)
Garlic (1 clove)
After rinsing the chicken legs and cutting off any skin that peeled away easily, I placed them in the bottom of a Creuset Cast Iron Dutch Oven
, one of my new favorite cooking tools. I chopped all veggies into bite sized pieces and placed them on top of the chicken. I pushed the garlic through a garlic press and added that, and then I poured, oh, probably an eighth of a cup of olive oil on top of everything. I tossed in a little of the juice from the bottom of a jar of organic, garlic stuffed olives--a minor non-local transgression, but the olives were a holiday gift and the juice would have otherwise gone to waste, so I found it acceptable--and a spalash of local cider vinegar. Sprinkled on some black pepper and thyme, tossed the veggies lightly, covered, and placed in the oven on 450 for half an hour. After half an hour I turned the temp down to 375 and cooked for another hour. Probably overkill, but it was covered so it couldn't dry out. When done, I let it stand, covered, on the stove for another fifteen minutes before opening.
The flesh of the chicken melted off like butter and the flavor was really, really nice. But something was missing. It was bland. I ate a small serving before I figure it out....the gravy!
All the drippings from the bottom of the dutch oven
One tablespoon buckwheat flour
In a small cast iron skillet
, I heated the oil and added the flour a tiny bit at a time, whisking continuously to avoid clumps. I brought the whole thing to a boil and continued whisking for a minute or two, then poured it over my second serving. Mmmmm, tasty delicious comforting heavenly down-home local cooking.
Sweet Potato Squash Soup
The inspiration for this soup originated with Vegan Fusion World Cuisine's
Butternut squash cut in half, scrape out seeds, bake face down in pan full of water on 450 degrees until tender
Celeriac peel and chop into small bits
Sweet potato (2) bake alongside squash
Onion chop into small bits
Curry Powder
Cinnamon stick
Olive Oil
I sauteed the onion and celeriac in olive oil until they began to soften (it's okay if the celeriac doesn't really soften, but at least sautee it until the onions brown). Pour about two cups of fresh milk on top and bring to a simmer. Add curry powder to taste plus one cinnamon stick. Add about two cups of filtered water.
Scoop in flesh of squash and chopped sweet potato, skin on. Bring everything to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about fifteen minutes. Turn off heat.
Meanwhile, rinse squash seeds and lay them on a pan. Sprinkle with salt and place in Toaster Oven for about twenty minutes on a high setting. I tend to overdo it and have them start popping like popcorn, but you can avoid that, I think, by using a lower heat over a longer time.
Use the hand blender
I sprinkled squash seeds on top to serve, but they got softer in a few minutes, so next time I would serve them on the side for optional crunch.
Legs (2) white and dark meat
Olive juice from the bottom of an almost-empty jar of garlic-stuffed olives
Apple cider vinegar
Black pepper
Turnip (1 large)
Red Potaoes (4)
Carrots (5 small)
Garlic (1 clove)
After rinsing the chicken legs and cutting off any skin that peeled away easily, I placed them in the bottom of a Creuset Cast Iron Dutch Oven
The flesh of the chicken melted off like butter and the flavor was really, really nice. But something was missing. It was bland. I ate a small serving before I figure it out....the gravy!
All the drippings from the bottom of the dutch oven
One tablespoon buckwheat flour
In a small cast iron skillet
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