The internet provided some ideas towards making it into fajita meat, but we didn't have time to marinate it and we weren't making fajitas. My mom cut it into bite-sized chunks, removed most of the fat, and marinated it for about fifteen minutes in apple cider vinegar. Then she sauted it just a little in olive oil.
I chopped a large turnip and peeled and chopped a small butternut squash and put them together in a dutch oven
Tough, chewy, gamy? A bit. But flavorful and an excellent combination! I would do it again, with a proper marinade next time.
This was a three-course meal....a surprise salad! A woman in my writers' group has an organic CSA membership that is giving her more greens than she knows what to do with, so I benefitted from the bounty. (No, the olives are not local, but they're organic and they're a gift from my mom!)
And, custard for dessert! Local eggs and milk with a bit of honey and amazake. Normally, I have local honey in stock, but as I was out I used some raw honey from elsewhere. The amazake was a leftover that was going to go bad. I feel, generally, that using leftovers, rather than wasting, is ethically on par with eating local foods even if it may not be nutritionally comparable (dumpster-diving, anyone?).
A lovely end to a lovely three-course meal....oh, and the custard was cooked in my brand-new glass baking-and-storage dishes, courtesy of my mom as well!
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