Thursday, December 3, 2009

My First Dark Days Meal

Hungry from my travels, and energized by the abundance, I set to cooking almost immediately after returning home last night. I went for quick, easy, nourishing, and filling. I started by chopping three small white potatoes (two bakers and one yellow, buttery type, don't know specifics), all the miscellaneous tiny knobby carrots I could find, and half of a daikon raddish. I put them in a pot with a small amount of filtered water, added sea salt and caraway seeds, and covered them the rest of the way with fresh milk. All of this went on the stove to simmer.

Next, I chopped green kale and put it in a cast iron pan with Olive Oil Earthbalance (not local, I know, but no local butter on hand after being out of town for two weeks and oh-so-convenient) and some Apple Cider Vinegar from Dwight Miller Orchards Vermont Farm. Although my long-term vision is to start making my own vinegar from local organic apple cider, I do really love this brand of local vinegar. Anyway, I sauteed the kale very lightly in this mixture.

So original intention was to create a sort of "veggie mash" with the milk and root veggies, but I stopped short of that for the sake of texture and was really happy with the result. Creamy, soft, chunky, served with a sprinkling of pepper on top as a sauce over the kale which was tart and slightly crunchy. Delicious!

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